Meter Proving of Custody Transfer and Sales Meters


Founded in 1991, Precision Proving specializes in meter proving of Custody Transfer and Sales Meters. On-Site proving of Coriolis, P.D., Turbine and Vortex meters. Using DANIELS 8″ & 12″ 600# ANSI Small Volume Provers. We can prove meters with flow rates of 0.057 – 57 M3/Hr with our 8″ and 0.227 – 227 M3/Hr with our 12″.

Q: Are the Meter Provers calibrated?
A: Yes, our provers are calibrated every 2 years using the gravimetric method. We use a ultra high accuracy scale, accurate to a 10th of a gram. This scale is calibrated with weights traceable to NIST standards.

Q: Can you prove in Mass?
A: Yes, with the onboard densitometers reading live density we have the ability to prove in mass.

Q: What products can you prove?
A: We can prove anything from ethane to produced water.

Q: What areas do you cover?
A: At the moment we have three trucks stationed in Slave Lake, AB servicing as far north as Rainbow lake and as far south as Hardisty. We also have a truck stationed in Rolla, BC, which services the central and northern regions.

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